I'm Dan Sexton, I'm 25 and live in the UK. I am the Creator & Animator for 'Crunchlins' which is an animated comedy YouTube channel.

Age 33, Male


Same School as Matt Smith

United Kingdom

Joined on 1/27/13

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220 / 280
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> 100,000
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Hey everyone, 

I wanted to make a post about a couple of things. 

Firstly, thanks very much for all the fantastic feedback! I've been getting a lot of constructive feedback, which is great!
Constructive feedback is welcomed and I love to hear it - plus I try to give a similarly detailed response where possible as I respect that you've put in the time to give me in depth and helpful feedback - I like to make sure I acknowledge that! I'm always eager to learn what you think worked & what didn't.

So thanks for not ripping me to pieces and leaving me as a shell of a man with cruel trolling ^_^ Much appreciated!

Secondly, I am planning to post a cartoon to Newgrounds later today (hopefully) and I thought it'd make sense to explain it in advance. 

It's a parody cartoon I made a couple of months ago, and wrote even longer ago about Pokemon Go. 
A lot of people on my YouTube channel had suggested I make one and since I hadn't posted in a while due to commission work etc, I thought "why not?". So it may not be exactly topical any more, but I thought it can't hurt to post it here for those of you who aren't familiar with my YouTube channel, as I really would like to be more active on Newgrounds - I do think it's a great site. Plus this cartoon was actually a lot of fun to make and I got to work with an awesome voice actor called Charriii5 (https://www.youtube.com/user/Charriii5) who you should check out on YouTube! 

So again, constructive feedback is more than welcome! I'm well aware the Pokemon parody market is rather over saturated at this point, but hey, it was a fun project to work on :) I'm just warning you that I will be uploading a cartoon that is a little dated, and I am aware of this, so I know there'll be a few comments like "Yawn! Pokemon Go...how original...what is this, early 2016?!" 

In summary, thanks for the support and I hope you enjoy the cartoon I'm uploading a little later on. 

Alright, that's about it for now, I'll try to post most cartoons as I make them to Newgrounds too, but if you'd like to check out my YouTube channel for more art & animation feel free: https://youtube.com/crunchlins

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
- Dan